Can smart technology provide a safer and more restful night for both babies and parents?
Photo source:
Happiest Baby
The SNOO Smart Sleeper helps babies and parents sleep better
by using smart features in its design. It has sensors that notice when a baby
moves, and then the crib gently rocks and plays soothing sounds to help the
baby fall back asleep. These movements and calming noises make the baby feel
like they're in the womb. Also, the crib has a swaddle system to keep babies
safely on their backs, which lowers the chance of them rolling over and helps
them sleep more peacefully all night.
Many parents have trouble sleeping because their baby wakes
up often and doesn't have regular sleep habits. Old ways of helping babies
sleep usually involve lots of rocking or wrapping them tightly, which can be
very tiring for parents, especially during the night. The SNOO system quickly
responds to a baby's crying, providing comfort without needing parents to step
in. This helps both the baby and parents sleep better, while keeping the baby
safely wrapped up.
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